Why I love being a maths tutor

Whether you’re looking for a maths tutoring role to sit alongside another job or as your sole position, becoming a private maths tutor with Discover & Be is flexible, adaptable and fulfilling. Here we hear from one of our maths tutors who tutors a number of pupils across various levels of maths.

“With a background as a maths teacher in a variety of different school settings means I have the perfect experience to be a maths tutor. A change in my circumstances meant that I felt it was the right time to explore making the move to becoming a private tutor. I was lucky to come across Discover & Be whose philosophy sat perfectly with my beliefs about learning.


“I have always believed in the saying, 'One size does not fit all' when it comes to teaching.  It can be really hard to cater for every single child in the classroom - there's just not enough time in the day to help everyone all the time. 

“Being a private maths tutor has given me a whole new experience as a teacher.  Working on a one-to-one basis with a child is such a fantastic opportunity as you can really tap into your pupil’s interests and hobbies and use them as a starting point for the lessons. 

“I have been able to tailor lessons to meet the needs of each individual rather than having to stick to a term plan. This means I can focus on building up my pupils’ confidence in those areas they find tricky or take it to another level if they are ready for a new challenge! Right now, as we’re in the middle of the pandemic, although my main aim is to help students understand maths, ensuring that their self-confidence and general wellbeing is at its best is also of huge importance to me.


“I love being in charge of my own availability so that I can pick and choose when I work and build my timetable around my other commitments and hobbies.  Rather than spend time and energy on managing a whole class, I can concentrate on the subject I love and know that I am really making a difference to and an impact on each individual child I teach. 

“I really cannot recommend being a tutor enough.”

If you’d like to find out more about being part of the Discover & Be team - whether as a maths tutor or any other subject across the range of academic subjects or music - get in touch. We are always keen to hear from maths teachers in Haywards Heath, Burgess Hill, Crowborough or any other locations across Sussex, as well as those who teach other subjects. You can read more about becoming a Discover & Be tutor on our Work For Us page. Alternatively, you can call us Sheila on 07980 565632 or email sheila@discoverandbe.com